Monday, 21 February 2011

Perspective sucks bum.

Didn't really enjoy these, they were damn hard.

Not sure if i can make a decent one that fully shows character. We'll see.

This was the first test. 

This is the second using geometric shapes. I think i prefer the first :/

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Some Character.

Ok, i THINK im getting this a little. Still a wee bit confused, as i've been silly making different characters, and not specifically thinking about how they walk.
So this is more of a character. Going to be using this git for a few more.
I was tracing over it, to form a better character, but caught time would be better spent CHANGING the walk style/pacing. Though i do like how he stumbles forward on each step. Am i getting this subconsciously?

Monday, 7 February 2011

Cheating is WAAAY Quicker.

I think i get better results too, as you can monitor the drawings more, hence why i went for something with more of a spindly line.
I'm liking keeping the body quite 'full' because i dont want to play with different colours, i find it a tad confusing.
Also i think im liking animating fat people too much...
Note, stupid youtube stretched it. now he's even fatter >.<
Edited vid because youtube sucks $£%$£!!

The Ballet Instructor.

Another test. One i didn't really feel like doing. Was forced to animate in class, because other lazy students didn't finish the homework. AND it took FAR too long doing it the 'traditional' way, of drawing the poses NEXT to each other, and not on top. If drawing them on top is cheating then i am SERIOUSLY gona start cheating.
rant over -

Being honest..

Thanks for the links to this dan
Walk Cycle Depot 
Great help, also pointed towards Muybridge.

A photographer-turned animator researcher. (im seriously boiling that down :P)
Nice to see some of the initial research.
I think, based on these two, im going to be taking some video footage of a particular walk for my last 2D cycles. As it's such a great way to get the poses down properly, and it's super fast.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Thanks Eric.

Whipped through a tutorial from this Kind Gentleman here.
Was quite fun, and nice not to give too many 'values' during the tutorial, always feel like a robot when im just copying numbers in.
Here it is :)

I think it's still a little 'sticky, and possibly has a harsh transition or two in there, but i think it's a nice start.

Cheers Dan.