Monday 31 January 2011

The Research Cometh...

This is what i've started with, a short movie of me walking to and fro in a 'slight' manner of ways.
Just to see where the differences in character were (passing/contact/posture etc).

As a side note, the characters i was inventing while walking felt much more pronounced than when i watched them in the film. They seemed more subtle when watching them back, can tell they're not 'normal/marching' walks, like the first.
I felt like a scientist doing a 'control' test o.O
(Left) A screen shot of the dissection in photoshop.

This was me analysing the walk. It basically proves most of the theories that were talked over in the richard williams movie. The 'Wave' of the moving heel, the slight bob through the passing position, and the flowing wrist, with an ease in/out.
And these are some 'roto' animations taken from the research to really break the walk down further. The first is the 'control' walk. A march. The second includes a slight 'lift' on the passing position.

They're playing at a higher speed because photoshop is rubbish at keeping the same fecking damn frame rate.

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